Friday 20 May 2011

hello world!!

Hello World !!
I am really glad that i've finally been able to create my own blog , which had been long pending . Most of you must be wondering about the name of my blog.. "A Homemaker's World" , so i wont miss this chance to explain my point of view :) We have all been through the blogs by professionals and amateurs from varied fields , each being a champion!! But I feel there cant be anything more interesting and challenging than making things cozy for family at home. Irrespective of a good or a bad mood or health, the deadlines are to be met on a daily basis... it sounds very tiring but at the same time it is well paid by a hug or two , untimely kisses , and some i love yous :D
I just hope that i will be able to keep my blog updated so that the world on the other side can get acquainted to the hardships of being a homemaker ... So welcome aboard all those who are ready to read about me juggling between cooking . doing grocery, making up my home , crocheting , doin embroidery ..... the list is long so see you around with more writing and less cribbing LOL ... Take care :)